About Us

Tactical Elements Inc

Grand Poobah

Thank you for visiting Tactical Elements. When I first envisioned what this business would be about, I stopped to reflect on the memories and people I have met along the way. One thing that I quickly realized when entering the world of knives is that the people you surround yourself with truly do have an impact on your outlook. The knife community is one filled with crazy amounts of talent and those talents are attached to some of the nicest, most humble and truly genuine people you will ever meet. I am honored to call many of these makers, collectors and enthusiasts my friends and family. At Tactical Elements I want to share with you some of the coolest things that I have come across. It may be something that we carry, a collaboration we have in the works or it may simply be something that is just so cool that I have to share it. If one takes the time to look back at the greats and legends of this community, they will see those same creations present in many of the modern knives today. I believe that one should take a look at the greats before us, as well as watching the upcoming makers who are also pushing the limits and striving to improve daily. I am truly humbled and thankful for all of the support many of you folks have provided me.

Assistant Chief to the Grand Poobah 

The man behind the scenes... I suppose I should go ahead and introduce myself. I'm the Assistant Chief to the Grand Poobah and like many of you, I love all things knives, gear and related items. I have been apart of the knife community since 2004 and through that community, made many a great friendships with many people. I was honored to be asked to be a part of Tactical Elements because I know the passion and enthusiasm that the Grand Poobah has in sharing makers with the world. I do my best to give an accurate and clean shot of the products offered so that you know exactly what you are getting. It's an amazing experience getting to see these items in person and can only imagine the joy that the customers have when a piece is added to their collection. The one major thing that drew me to taking part in Tactical Elements, Inc is the fun to be had and re-injected into this hobby of ours.

Tactical Elements Inc

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